POSI-SHELL® for Waste Cover
Posi-Shell® is a unique Australian made spray applied Waster cover system. Posi Shell is the only spray applied cover system that meets all the requirements of daily cover, and also provides solutions for many persistent and costly challenges faced by landfill operators.
Posi-Shell® is a patented blend of clay binders, reinforcing fibers, and polymers that, when mixed with water or leachate, produces a spray-applied mortar that dries in the form of a thin durable stucco. Regardless of the weather, Posi-Shell® adheres to any surface and is effective in wet and dry forms.
Posi-Shell®’s unique properties enable the use of durability enhancers to achieve long-term coatings that remain resilient for more than a year.
Posi-Shell® is packaged in 15 kg bags or 125 kg bulk sacks and mixing is accomplished using LSC Equipment or standard hydroseeding units.
Application Information

LSC has two distinct products that address the unique challenges common to coal ash. For sites interested in long-term solutions for dust, leaching, and erosion, Posi-Shell® Environmental Coatings deliver a nearly impenetrable cover that lasts for years.
For sites only interested in dust control, our naturally-based product, Posi-Clear®, reduces fugitive dust by bonding surface fines into a durable, cohesive layer. Posi-Clear® is not a chloride which makes it environmentally friendly.Compost Operations

Posi-Shell® and Odor-Shell® are effective at controlling odors generated from passive or active composting operations. Posi-Shell® was originally conceived for this purpose over twenty years ago; however, Odor-Shell® has built on this technology, leveraging an infused neutralizer to kill odors on contact. Both products allow compost to remain aerated even after coating. Additionally, Posi-Shell® and Odor-Shell® are made from earthen materials that integrate seamlessly into the compost when turned.

Posi-Shell® is the most effective, versatile, and cost-efficient alternative daily cover (ADC) system on the market.
Nothing, including soil, can match Posi-Shell®‘s ability to exceed daily cover requirements for litter, vectors, scavenging, fire, and especially odors. The Posi-Shell® cover system also prevents leachate breakouts and dramatically improves landfill gas extraction by eliminating barriers left behind by soils or other ADC’s.With over 20 years of success at both large and small landfills around the world, Posi-Shell® has the demonstrated ability to deliver game-changing savings in airspace and operations cost.EROSION CONTROL

Whether the need is for swale lining, slope protection, silt minimization, or final seeding, LSC has the right product to achieve long-term coatings that are quick to apply, aesthetically pleasing, and uniquely customizable to meet specific durability requirements.
The video below shows a leachate reduction rain cap on a large Mid-Atlantic landfill. The runoff shown is from a 0.5 inch (12.6 mm) rain event channeling from 9 acres (3.6 hectares) of cover.Watch VideoPlease review our Erosion Control or Vegetation pages to determine the right product for your needs.FIRE SUPRESSION

The high solids content of our Posi-Shell® coating is perfect for extinguishing “hot loads” or dealing with challenging internal landfill fires. Posi-Shell®‘s natural mineral foundation is intrinsically non-flammable and WILL NOT ignite even under direct and sustained exposure to a torch. Additionally, our PSA series of applicators is specifically designed for landfill topography and provides operational access that water trucks or fire departments simply cannot match.

The Posi-Shell® system gives landfill operators the flexibility to solve a wide range of operational emergencies. Over the past twenty years, Posi-Shell® has been used successfully to address liner breaches, offensive odors, forensic searches, hydrogen sulfide releases, landslides, landfill excavations, fires, and countless other emergencies. In several high-profile situations, landfill managers and regulators have cited Posi-Shell® as critical to quickly solving problems and avoiding fines or temporary closure.

Many of our customers have received Beneficial Use Determinations (BUD’s) to incorporate waste latex paint into our Posi-Shell® cover system. This BUD dramatically reduces handling issues associated with waste latex and often generates additional revenue for the site.
Similarly, many of our customers have received approval to use landfill leachate, in lieu of water, to mix Posi-Shell®. This formulation reduces the site’s leachate expenses by thousands of gallons per day. Additionally, sites approved for direct leachate recirculation can leverage LSC’s Applicators as efficient dispensing units for this operation.LITTER CONTROL

Posi-Shell® can be precisely applied from a distance, making it uniquely effective in controlling windblown litter and flagging at landfills of any size. On windy days, nothing beats our mobile ECA unit as part of a daily housekeeping process. Positioning any of our applicators at the working face allows operators to blast waste to the ground as it is blown from dumping vehicles. Posi-Shell® is also used effectively to eliminate windblown litter in rail haul waste operations.

Posi-Shell®‘s mineral foundation offers a natural filter uniquely effective at controlling landfill odors. No cover system, including soil or other ADC’s, comes close to the odor suppression performance of Posi-Shell®. Landfill managers around the world rely on Posi-Shell® to keep the peace with neighbors and regulators.
For challenging odors generated by sewage sludge, landfill excavations, or composting operations, our innovative Odor-Shell® product can be used independently or in conjunction with Posi-Shell®. Unlike systems that attempt to address airborne odors, Odor-Shell® is topically applied using three synergistic mechanisms of sealing, filtering, and neutralizing to kill odors before they become a problem.WASTE TRANSPORT COVER

Posi-Shell® and Odor-Shell® have been used to address odors and windblown litter in long-haul waste operations. Whether dealing with trucks, trains, or barges, these products eliminate the need for applying and removing cumbersome tarps or netting while also providing the invaluable benefit of locking in odors. Our Custom Fabrication Shop will design the perfect application configuration to optimize product performance and loading speeds at your facility.